Stéphanie Bonnefille

Associate Professor
Cultures et Littératures des Mondes Anglophones
Université Bordeaux Montaigne



Stéphanie Bonnefille is an Associate Professor of English linguistics at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, France. She holds a PhD in cognitive linguistics. Her research interests focus on the study of critical metaphor analysis and discourse analysis, and on the combination of the conceptual metaphor theory with classical rhetoric tools. Her publications explore climate change discourse, environmental and transition communication. In the general-audience book she wrote Les Mots Verts (2016, 2022 L’Ecologie Mot à Mot), she investigated these issues through a series of interviews with a French former green congressman, over a period of two years prior to the COP21 summit.
Her teaching includes modules on grammar, phonology, cohesion, and environmental communication.