Leah Steinfeld

Leah Steinfeld

BA Student
Department of English Language and Literatures, minor in French
University of British Columbia


Despot, K., Tonković, M., Essert, M., Brdar, M., Perak, B., Anić, A. O., Nahod, B., & I. Pandžić. (2019). In M. Bolognesi, M. Brdar, & K. Despot (Eds.), Metaphor and metonymy in the digital age: Theory and methods for building repositories of figurative language (pp. 123–146). John Benjamins. doi: https://doi.org/10.1075/milcc.8.06des

Lin, T. (2019). Automatic Classification of Verb-Direction Constructions in Mandarin Chinese. PhD Dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder. https://scholar.colorado.edu/concern/graduate_thesis_or_dissertations/jw827c71w

Rajeg, G. P. W. (2019). Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS. PhD Dissertation, Monash University. https://bridges.monash.edu/articles/thesis/Metaphorical_profiles_and_near-synonyms_A_corpus-based_study_of_Indonesian_words_for_HAPPINESS/7968002

Skrynnikova, I. V. Crosslinguistic Repository of Political Metaphors: Structure and Methodological Issues. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie, 128-146. doi: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2019.2.12



Abdo, M. S., Alghonaim, A. S., & Essam, B. A. (2021). Public perception of COVID-19’s global health crisis on Twitter until 14 weeks after the outbreak. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities36(3), 509-524. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqaa037

Aseh, F. M. (2020). Outer and inner circle rhetoric specificity in political discourse: a corpus-based study. PhD Dissertation, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. https://doi.org/10.17904/ku.opus-602

Busso, L., & Tordini, O. (2021). “Ricostruire senza Macerie”: la crisi sanitaria da Covid-19 nel linguaggio giornalistico italiano tra Fase 1 e Fase 2. “Ricostruire senza Macerie”: la crisi sanitaria da Covid-19 nel linguaggio giornalistico italiano tra Fase 1 e Fase 2., 45-66. https://www.torrossa.com/en/resources/an/5046017

Skrynnikova, I. V. (2020). Analogical reasoning in uncovering the meaning of digital-technology terms: the case of backdoor. Journal of Computer-Assisted Linguistic Research4, 23-46. doi: https://doi.org/10.4995/jclr.2020.12921

Wicke, P., & Bolognesi, M. M. (2020). Framing COVID-19: How we conceptualize and discuss the pandemic on Twitter. PloS one15(9), e0240010. doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240010



Badryzlova, Y., Lyashevskaya, O., & Nikiforova, A. (2021). Automated metaphor identification in Russian and its implications for metaphor studies. In Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2: Special Sessions 18th International Conference 18 (pp. 86-96). Springer International Publishing. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-86887-1_8

Despot, K. Š., & Anić, A. O. (2021). A War on War Metaphor: Metaphorical Framings in Croation Discourse on COVID-19. Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje47(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31724/rihjj.47.1.6

Despot, K. Š., Sekulić Sović, M., Vilibić, M., & Mimica, N. (2021). Metaphor Production by Patients with Schizophrenia–A Case Analysis. Metaphor and Symbol36(3), 119-140. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10926488.2021.1893606

Ilievski, F., Oltramari, A., Ma, K., Zhang, B., McGuinness, D. L., & Szekely, P. (2021). Dimensions of commonsense knowledge. Knowledge-Based Systems229, 107347. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107347

Isaza, C., & Ossewaarde, R. (2021). Corruption in Public Discourses: A Comparison Between Colombian and European Metaphors. Public Integrity23(4), 401-425. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10999922.2021.1881299

Stowe, K., Beck, N., & Gurevych, I. (2021, November). Exploring metaphoric paraphrase generation. In Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (pp. 323-336). doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2021.conll-1.26


Dalpanagioti, T. (2022). Marrying Frame Semantics with Task-Based Language Teaching. Selected papers on theoretical and applied linguistics24, 253-269. doi: https://doi.org/10.26262/istal.v24i0.9160

Gamonal, M. (2022, July). A descriptive study of metaphors and frames in the multilingual shared annotation task. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Dimensions of Meaning: Distributional and Curated Semantics (DistCurate 2022) (pp. 1-7). doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2022.distcurate-1.1

Gangemi, A., & Presutti, V. (2022). Formal Representation and Extraction of Perspectives. In P. Vossen & A. Fokkens (Eds.), Creating a More Transparent Internet: The Perspective Web, (pp. 208-228). Cambridge University Press. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108641104.016

García Cuadrado, R. (2022). Lectura Fácil: identificación de metáforas. PhD Dissertation, Universidad Politécnia de Madrid. https://oa.upm.es/71157/

Hong, W. (2022). Traduire les métaphores conceptuelles : enjeux linguistiques, cognitifs et culturels de la traduction des métaphores des émotions français-chinois et chinois-français. PhD Dissertation, Université Grenoble Alpes. https://theses.hal.science/tel-04032646

Hong, W., Rossi, C., & J.-P. Chevrot. (2022). Investigating The Impact Of Cultural Embeddedness On Metaphor Translation. In A. Bagasheva & N. Tincheva (Eds.), Figurativity across Domains, Modalities and Research Practices (pp. 187-210). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-7787-9/

Khalifa, H., & Essam, B. A. (2022). How does Maya Angelou perceive the African female body?. Journal of African American Studies26(2), 203-220. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12111-022-09581-7

Lievers, F. S. (2022). Types of metaphors and their structure: Annotation guidelines between theory and practice. In M. Prandi & M. Rossi (Eds.), Researching Metaphors: Towards a Comprehensive Account. (pp. 91-107). Routledge. doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003184041-7

Neumair, P. A. (2022). Emotionen und Heimat: Konzeptuelle Metaphorik im öffentlich-politischen Sprechen über Flucht und Vertreibung. Studia Germanica Gedanensia47, 40-53. doi: https://doi.org/10.26881/sgg.2022.47.03

Skrynnikova, I. V., & Astafurova, T. N. (2022). Figurative framing around pandemic discourse: from metaphorical wars on coronavirus to wars on anti-vaxxers. Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Serii︠a︡ 2, I︠A︡zykoznanie21(2), 136-148. doi: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2022.2.11

Wachowiak, L., Gromann, D., & Xu, C. (2022, December). Drum Up SUPPORT: Systematic Analysis of Image-Schematic Conceptual Metaphors. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FLP) (pp. 44-53). doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2022.flp-1.7

Yu, N. (2022). The Moral Metaphor System: A Conceptual Metaphor Approach. Oxford University Press. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/10350330.2023.2234125


Dalpanagioti, T. (2023). What frame semantics can offer to task‐based language teaching. TESOL Journal14(2), e692. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.692

De Giorgis, S. (2023). Ethics in the flesh: formalizing moral values in embodied cognition. PhD Dissertation, University of Bologna. https://amsdottorato.unibo.it/11040/

Pitarch, L., Bernad, J., & Gracia, J. (2023, September). MEAN: Metaphoric Erroneous ANalogies dataset for PTLMs metaphor knowledge probing. In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (pp. 147-152). https://aclanthology.org/2023.ldk-1.13.pdf

Rose Underhill

PhD Student
Department of Linguistics
University of British Columbia


Shannon Campbell

MA Student
Department of English Language and Literatures
University of British Columbia

Email: kgrogan@mail.ubc.ca


Katie Marchant

MA Student
Department of French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies
University of British Columbia


Grogan, Kimberly. (2023, June 28). “Multimodal persuasion: Metaphor in climate change activism”. Researching and Applying Metaphor 16. Alcalá de Henares, Spain. [download poster pdf]

Johnstone, Caitlin, Browning, Celeste, and Elise Stickles. (2023, June 28). “Diffusing the time bomb – Differential impacts of metaphor on climate doomism”. Researching and Applying Metaphor 16. Alcalá de Henares, Spain. [download presentation pdf]

Bonnefille, Stéphanie. (2023, June 29). “A new word for a new concept. How is “eco-anxiety” framed in the press (January 2018-January 2023)?”. Researching and Applying Metaphor 16. Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

Wallace, Bryce, and Eve Sweetser. (2023, June 29). “Anti-Vax framings and metaphors: What makes an Anti-Vaxxer?”. Researching and Applying Metaphor 16. [download presentation pdf]

Laparle, Schuyler. (2023, June 30). “Metaphors for displacement in times of crisis”. Researching and Applying Metaphor 16. Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

Stickles, Elise, Arrieta-Zamudio, Ana, Lozano, Inés, Olavarría, Yorka, and Rodolfo Ortiz. (2023, June 30). “¿El virus del dragón o un pequeño covicho?: Variation and change in COVID-19 metaphors across varieties of Spanish”. Researching and Applying Metaphor 16. Alcalá de Henares, Spain. [download presentation pdf]

Grogan, Kimberly. (2023, August 8). “Climate change discourse: Blending and viewpoint in multimodal artifacts”. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 16. Düsseldorf, Germany.

Johnstone, Caitlin. (2023, August 8). “The Future is Now: Blending theory and the reconfiguration of the climate crisis”. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 16. Düsseldorf, Germany.

Grogan, Kimberly, and Elise Stickles. (2023, August 9). “Climate change: a constructional approach”. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 16. Düsseldorf, Germany.

Moar, Sarah, Bonnefille, Stéphanie, Sweetser, Eve, and Elise Stickles. (2023, August 10). “Building the French-language MetaNet Wiki: A collaborative online resource for metaphor and image schema analysis en français”. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 16. Düsseldorf, Germany.